Scientists have studied the healing properties of the artichoke and they were able to determine what its benefits are. The plant has beneficial properties:
- Protect from toxins;
- Prevent the formation of tumors;
- Strengthen immunity;
- Accelerate the work of the brain;
- Restore metabolism;
- Improve the absorption of calcium;
- Restore the work of the digestive tract;
- Cleanse the liver from toxins;
- Bring cholesterol back to normal.
- Protects the liver. The product is the strongest natural hepatoprotector. It is known that with the help of the extract of this plant, liver failure can be cured even at advanced stages.
- Normalizes the production of enzymes and some hormones. Thanks to the unique set of vitamins and organic acids, the production of bilirubin and cholesterol is restored in the body.
- All this has a positive effect on glycemic metabolism and blood glucose levels.
- Accelerates the production and outflow of bile. In the chemical composition of the artichoke, about 7-8% is occupied by cynarin and other bitter components. It is they who contribute to the production of bile and its removal into the gastrointestinal tract. This property of the artichoke prevents the formation of calculi.
- Prevents the development of the inflammatory process. A similar property is provided by flavonoids. Most of them are found in young unblown buds. The artichoke helps to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in hepatitis, and tea from the leaves of this plant relieves discomfort in case of stomach ulcers or gastritis.
- Normalizes blood cholesterol and urea levels. Artichoke contains phosphates that bind harmful components and remove them from the body.
- Restores water-salt balance in the body. This plant has a powerful diuretic effect. A small amount of tea from these leaves helps to quickly remove salts and get rid of persistent swelling.
- Fights dyspeptic disorders. Very often, doctors recommend including the artichoke in a therapeutic diet to restore the production of digestive enzymes. Therefore, the plant is actively used for constipation, bloating, nausea and vomiting.
- Restores the body after dehydration. Artichoke buds and buds are high in potassium and sodium. For this reason, tea made with this plant helps to cope with severe dehydration.

Vietnamese Artichoke is one of the most beneficial foods for women, it has anti-aging properties and helps prevent the development of many serious diseases.
Why artichoke is good for women’s health:
- large amount of ascorbic acid helps to significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer;
- High content of folic acid makes this product useful for those who are planning a pregnancy, but while carrying a child, this product is contraindicated;
- Vegetable contains retinol, which makes it possible to use it in home recipes to eliminate wrinkles, prevent skin aging;
- Product is a natural aphrodisiac, has a stimulating effect, increases the likelihood of conception;
- Normalizes blood pressure in the pelvic organs.
For men
Men will also appreciate the artichoke. The plant is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, as well as problems with potency. Also, as already mentioned, the artichoke enhances sexual libido.
Slimming use
The artichoke is used to boost immunity. It quickly removes accumulated toxins, restores metabolism. It is also an excellent diuretic and fat burner. This plant has been shown to promote faster lipid processing.
The artichoke does not dissolve fats, but it processes them so that they are easier to leave the body. This plant contains a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the digestive tract of feces. Artichoke also contains magnesium, potassium and vitamin B1, which make the body lose weight. If you can introduce this product into your diet, you can slowly and surely get rid of those extra pounds.
Cardiovascular diseases
The beneficial and medicinal properties of the artichoke are widely used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Both inflorescences and leaves help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and, as a result, prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, strokes, coronary heart disease, and are recommended for atherosclerosis.
Products from Vietnamese artichoke plant, possessing vasodilating properties, help to lower blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, and help fight edema.
Is the size of the artichoke buds important?
From the point of view of the presence of useful and medicinal properties – no, inflorescences of any size are equally useful and tasty. But from a culinary point of view, keep in mind that small artichokes can be used uncooked, raw, for example in salads. Medium and large inflorescences are steamed, fried, stewed, baked, pickled, stuffed and even canned like cucumbers. Fresh tender pith is cut into thin slices and used for making salads.
It should be remembered that artichoke dishes must be eaten on the day of preparation, they cannot be stored.