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Coffee is a drink that can not only bring pleasure, but also improve health

Coffee is an invigorating and tasty beverage. It has gained high popularity in many countries of the world. Coffee can have a positive impact on health due to its high content of antioxidants and a number of beneficial micronutrients.

Scientists have been studying this product for more than a hundred years. During this period, they discovered a considerable number of the beneficial properties of coffee. Let’s consider the most important of them.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is a drink that can not only bring pleasure, but also improve health

Coffee is an invigorating and tasty beverage. It has gained high popularity in many countries of the world. Coffee can have a positive impact on health due to its high content of antioxidants and a number of beneficial micronutrients.

Scientists have been studying this product for more than a hundred years. During this period, they discovered a considerable number of the beneficial properties of coffee. Let’s consider the most important of them.

  • improving memory;
  • increased mood;
  • increasing concentration levels;
  • increasing the volume of energy generation;
  • acceleration of the reaction;
  • improving the psycho-emotional state.

Decreased body fat

Today, almost all dietary supplements for weight loss contain the main active ingredient of coffee beans – caffeine. This is due to the fact that it improves the process of burning subcutaneous fat by increasing the metabolic rate by 3-11 percent.

Scientists note that the effectiveness of this component is individual for each person. However, for obese people, adding coffee to the diet can speed up fat burning processes by an average of 10 percent, while in thin people – by 29 percent.

Increased physical endurance

 When it enters the brain cells, caffeine has a direct effect on the central nervous system, transmitting a signal to break down excess fat to generate additional energy. At the same time, this substance stimulates the production of adrenaline. Thus, this microelement triggers mechanisms that increase physical endurance indicators.

The corresponding result was confirmed in one of the experiments, where drinking coffee 30 minutes before the start of training increased the physical performance of professional athletes by 11-12 percent.

Saturation of the body with useful substances

Despite the fact that coffee beans undergo a heat treatment process during the roasting and brewing process, espresso-based drinks contain an impressive amount of nutrients. These include:

  • magnesium and niacin – 2 percent of the daily value;
  • potassium and manganese – 3 percent of the daily value;
  • pantothenic acid – 6 percent of the daily value;
  • vitamin B2 – 11 percent of the RDA.

It is important to take into account that many people consume at least two cups of coffee per day, which allows them to provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

When it enters the brain cells, caffeine has a direct effect on the central nervous system, transmitting a signal to break down excess fat to generate additional energy. At the same time, this substance stimulates the production of adrenaline. Thus, this microelement triggers mechanisms that increase physical endurance indicators.

The corresponding result was confirmed in one of the experiments, where drinking coffee 30 minutes before the start of training increased the physical performance of professional athletes by 11-12 percent.

Saturation of the body with useful substances

Despite the fact that coffee beans undergo a heat treatment process during the roasting and brewing process, espresso-based drinks contain an impressive amount of nutrients. These include:

  • magnesium and niacin – 2 percent of the daily value;
  • potassium and manganese – 3 percent of the daily value;
  • pantothenic acid – 6 percent of the daily value;
  • vitamin B2 – 11 percent of the RDA.

It is important to take into account that many people consume at least two cups of coffee per day, which allows them to provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

Reducing the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in the world today. Over a million people around the world seek treatment for this disease every year. It is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels and an increase in insulin resistance.

People who regularly consume at least one cup of coffee a day have a 23-59 percent lower risk of developing the disease than other populations, researchers report. At the same time, scientists note that every cup of espresso-based coffee drink you drink reduces the risk of diabetes by about 7 percent.

Reducing the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases

One of the most common neurodegenerative diseases is Alzheimer’s disease, which eventually leads to the development of dementia. As a rule, the corresponding disease is observed in persons over 65 years of age and is considered incurable. But, despite this, there are several methods to reduce the risk of its development, the most effective of which is the use of coffee drinks. Studies show that coffee drinkers are approximately 65 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than other people.

An equally common neurodegenerative disease is Parkinson’s disease, the development of which is associated with the death of cells responsible for the synthesis of dopamine. However, due to the fact that caffeine stimulates the production of this substance, it may reduce the risk of developing this disease. According to research data, coffee drinkers are 32-60 percent less likely to experience this neurodegenerative disease than those who quit caffeine.

Liver protection

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It performs over 100 functions. Therefore, he is much more at risk of developing disorders and diseases that, over time, can lead to destruction – cirrhosis, a disease in which most of the cells of the organ are replaced by scar tissue.

An analysis of recent studies has shown that people who regularly drink more than four cups of espresso drinks a day are 80 percent less likely to experience liver dysfunction. This, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis. 

Improving the psycho-emotional state

Healthline Is Coffee Good For Your Brain?

Psychiatric disorders such as depression can cause significant deterioration in quality of life. This is a fairly common problem in modern society, as about 4 percent of people face it.

According to research data provided by Harvard University, coffee drinkers are 20 percent less likely to experience mental health problems than other people. However, their chances of committing suicide as a result of depression are 53 percent lower.

Fight cancer

Cancer is currently one of the most common causes of death in the population. They are accompanied by the uncontrolled growth of dangerous cells in the body.

Espresso drinks can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, namely colorectal and liver. Both of these diseases are ranked 4th and 3rd in the list of causes of death, respectively.

A review of statistics found that regular coffee consumption reduced the risk of liver cancer by 40 percent and colorectal cancer by 15 percent. The corresponding conclusion was made on the basis of analyzes of about 500 thousand people.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

Drinking Coffee Benefits

It is often said that the consumption of black coffee increases blood pressure levels. It really is. However, it should be borne in mind that this increase is insignificant and is only 3-4 points. Despite this, this drink is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

At the same time, certain experiments not only do not confirm the theory that caffeine can cause the development of heart disease, but also completely refute it. For example, a number of studies have shown that regular consumption of espresso drinks reduces the risk of stroke by about 20 percent.

Increased life expectancy

Due to the fact that coffee drinkers are subject to lower risks of developing disorders and diseases, scientists have concluded that the life expectancy of such people is significantly higher. Moreover, they were able to prove this as a result of several studies. For example, women and men who drink coffee live about 26 and 20 percent longer, respectively.

Scientists report that they have a reduced risk of dying from various diseases. For example, people with diabetes who drink a cup of espresso in the morning die 30 percent less often than other people with the condition.

Antioxidant Saturation

For people on a balanced diet, coffee can be one of the best drinks. It contains high levels of antioxidants that exceed those of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to them, you can preserve the youthfulness of the skin and slow down the processes associated with the natural aging of the body. For this reason, coffee is considered the No. 1 beverage in the world.


Drinks made with coffee are considered among the most popular in the world. This is due to their pleasant taste and invigorating effect. But, in addition, they have a number of useful properties that can significantly improve the state of the body and prevent the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


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