Daily diet is closely related to the occurrence of stomach pains. There are certain foods that can trigger a flare-up, but there are foods that help soothe pain and discomfort in the stomach. So what should people with stomach ache eat and what to abstain from? Here is some useful information for you.
Eating apples is especially good for people with stomach pain who present with gastrointestinal disorders. This fruit provides a large amount of pectin capable of promoting digestion, massing the stool, improving constipation, diarrhea or long-term eating due to the effects of stomach pain.
When suffering from this disease, you should maintain the habit of eating 1-2 apples a day. The rich source of vitamins and minerals contained in this fruit also helps to replenish the body’s energy, fight fatigue and promote the healing process of lesions in the gastric mucosa.
It is best to eat apples directly whole shells to get the maximum source of nutrients. However, it is necessary to ensure that the apples are washed and soaked in diluted brine before use. In addition, you can drink apple juice but a large amount of fiber can lose when you ignore the apple corpse.
Oatmeal is a great suggestion for the breakfast of people with stomach pain . This cereal contains abundant sources of fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals essential for the body.
Using oatmeal will help support the intestinal tract in the digestion of food, protect the gastric mucosa, while reducing the risk of acid reflux – one of the common diseases that can lead to stomach pains.
To take advantage of these great benefits, you can use oatmeal in the following ways:
Salmon is resistant to inflammation, quickly heals damage in the stomach thanks to its high omega 3. This food also provides a lot of easily digested protein, which helps to build up new cells that replace the diseased tissues in the gastric mucosa.
Since salmon contains a lot of nutrients, you should eat only 2-3 meals per week. It is possible to use fish stock, cook soup, steam or saute is very delicious.
Some foods or drinks can cause stomach pain and unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms to break out more intensely. Therefore, in the daily menu you should limit the use of the following feeds:
Using foods high in spicy spices can irritate the thick mucous membranes and make the smooth muscles in the intestine more spasm, thereby aggravating the pain as well as the feeling of burning, discomfort in the stomach.
Spicy food also causes ulcers in the stomach to spread more widely. This puts you at risk of many dangerous complications such as gastric perforation, gastric hemorrhage.
Principles of diet formulation for people suffering from stomach pain
Stomach pain is a fairly common gastrointestinal problem that can be experienced by adults or children. The main cause of this disease is due to improper diet, abuse of stimulant foods, beverages or unhygienic foods. Therefore, maintaining a scientific diet will bring positive effects on the treatment of stomach pain. When formulating a diet for people with stomach pain, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles: Prioritize the use of foods high in antioxidants and natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties Avoid foods or drinks that increase the production of acid in gastric juice or irritate the stomach lining. Meals should be maintained at a fixed time of the day to create a physiological routine for the stomach. Patients should eat at the right time, avoid skipping meals or chewing and swallowing too quickly. Eat several small meals a day and use a moderate amount of food to limit epigastric pain as well as other associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, and indigestion. Cook food in the form of finely chopped, soft stew, steamed or boiled to make the stomach easier to digest.
What should stomach pain eat?
The best choices on the menu of people with stomach pain include:-
Ginger relieves stomach pain, fights nausea
Apple stimulates digestion

Eating bananas is good for people with stomach pain
White rice helps protect the gastric mucosa
Stomach pain should eat papaya
Anti-inflammatory yellow turmeric, relieve stomach pain
Flaxseed relieves stomach pain, fights constipation
Foods rich in probiotics relieve pain, increase resistance to the stomach
- Yogurt: This product is fermented from milk. It contains many beneficial bacteria that live in an active form. Every day using 1-2 jars of yogurt can help balance the intestinal micronora, reduce constipation, diarrhea, soothe irritation in the gastric mucosa, stimulate the regeneration of damage in the intestinal mucosa.
- Kefir: This is a fermented beverage known by other names such as Kefir fungus or Tibetan snow mushroom. People with stomach pain are recommended to take 500ml of Kefir a day for a continuous month so that stomach pain improves markedly.
- Other foods rich in probiotics : In addition to yogurt and Kefir, you can also add other foods containing many beneficial bacteria to the menu, such as miso, kimchi or sauerkrael …

- Cooking oat porridge
- Mix oatmeal with milk
- Combine oatmeal with dried fruit
- Oat yogurt…
Stomach pain should eat potatoes

Stomach pain should drink plenty of water
- Coconut water
- Fruit juice contains little or no acidity
- Vegetable boiled water
- Herbal teas: Chamomile tea, licorice tea, mint tea (not for people with acid reflux)…
What should stomach pain abstain from?

Milk and dairy products
Stir-fried food
Stomach pain should abstain from spicy food

Living things are not good for people with stomach pain
Beer, wine