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Jiaogulan herbs

Dosage, usage, and precautions when using Jiaogulan (Giảo Cổ Lam)

Jiaogulan has many health benefits, being used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and improving heart function. It is also used to strengthen the immune system, increase stamina and endurance, increase resistance to environmental stress, etc. So to enhance the healing power and health benefits of Jiaogulan, patients should clearly understand the dosage, how to […]

What can harm the liver

Autumn aggravation. What can harm the liver?

A rich and bright summer is over, and gray and rainy weather, few people cheer up. For some, in the fall, everything falls out of hand, business is covered with a head, and the mood is terrible. Therefore, the decision to pamper yourself with something tasty and harmful seems to be the simplest and most […]

Dolly Ac Acnes Gel – Acne treatment gel – 15 g

Helps prevent acne, blackheads, whiteheads. Helps control sebum, cleanses sebum and helps prevent acne-causing bacteria. Helps get rid of dark spots and acne scars.

Helps to rejuvenate your skin and bring back bright and smooth.

Dolly-Ac Acnes Anti-Acne Gel with a new generation dosage formula based on a gel base of natural origin solves problems associated with oily skin and acne.

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