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Jiaogulan herbs

Dosage, usage, and precautions when using Jiaogulan (Giảo Cổ Lam)

Jiaogulan has many health benefits, being used for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and improving heart function. It is also used to strengthen the immune system, increase stamina and endurance, increase resistance to environmental stress, etc. So to enhance the healing power and health benefits of Jiaogulan, patients should clearly understand the dosage, how to […]

Beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

Scientifically proven beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is a supplement made from herb of same name, which grows mainly in cold mountainous regions of Europe and Asia. This product is considered by doctors to be an adaptogen. This is because addition of rhodiola to diet allows body to adapt to stressful conditions. Very often, rhodiola is called golden root or arctic […]

Best Herbs to improve concentration and increase energy production

Effective herbs to improve concentration and increase energy production

High workloads and surrounding stressors cause most people to feel exhausted. That is why today most of them strive to find a remedy that gives them a feeling of liveliness and increases the energy reserves in the body. According to doctors, to maintain performance at the same level and to feel good, it is enough […]

What is the effect of the Crinum latifolium

What is the effect of the Crinum latifolium?

Crinum latifolium is a precious medicinal herb of Indian origin and is widely used in traditional medicine. Research from trials shows that Crinum latifolium has many biological effects such as anti-inflammatory, inhibiting the growth of bacteria, anti-cancer… So what disease does Crinum latifolium cure? 1. Overview of the Crinum latifolium Crinum latifolium have the scientific […]

Nature's 7 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and the Science Behind Them

7 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and Herbs

When faced with health problems, it is not necessary to immediately look into the first aid kit. Some situations can be dealt with with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Traditional medicine is a huge body of knowledge about how to recognize and treat diseases. These tips and recipes were collected by our ancestors for […]

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