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Green tea is among the top

Green tea is among the top choices for healthy COVID-19 period

The global pandemic has changed all aspects of normal life, and ushered in an era where physical and mental health are crucial decisive drivers for the foreseeable future, especially when choose food and beverage.

Pollock Communications and Today’s Dietitian’s 2021 “Nutrition Trends” survey, with 1165 registered nutritionists responding, provides an insight into how nutrition experts believe diet. Consumers’ levels have changed due to COVID-19.

Among the findings: Green tea is in the spotlight.

Green tea top benefits

“A year of just being at home and cooking more has affected consumers to rethink their food and nutritional options,”

– said Louise Pollock, President of Pollock Communications. In 2020, the food and beverage industry has seen an increase in sales of products such as green tea, as well as a renewed attention to pleasant, nutritious foods like milk and fermented foods like yogurt. The plant transition trend continues to grow, as is the demand for clean labels. Our trend survey findings reflect the significant changes caused by COVID-19 that will continue to affect eating habits and the food industry for many years to come.

Green tea is drawing attention.

The medical revolution has exploded in the aftermath of the pandemic, with leading findings for 2021 suggesting a focus on foods that support immunity and comfort, as well as big change in snacking habits.  Therefore, the tea industry should focus more on health care and educating consumers about the health benefits of tea.

Changes to the top 10 superfoods list also see a shift to health-promoting, plant-based foods, with green tea, a natural anti-inflammatory beverage, jumping  from 10th last year to 3rd this year.

COVID-19 changed the habits of consumers

Due to the pandemic, 78% of nutrition experts believe that consumers’ eating habits are switching from a traditional three-meal daily diet to more frequent snacking. In addition, with anxiety about challenging physical, mental health and economic always in the minds of consumers, experts predict 2021’s top buying motives will be beverages and food:

  • Strengthen resistance
  • Affordable and value based
  • Promote comfort and emotional well-being

Top 10 Superfoods for 2021

With COVID-19 driving the healthy food revolution, powerful mental and physical health foods and beverages, sometimes referred to as “superfoods” have become dominant in consumer choices to help support immunity.

From boosting gut health with fermented foods to leveraging the benefits of antioxidants with blueberries and reducing inflammation with green tea, here are the top 10 superfoods that experts Nutrition predicts consumers will be looking for 2021:

  1. Fermented foods;
  2. Blueberries;
  3. Green tea;
  4. Exotic fruits;
  5. Nuts;
  6. Avocados;
  7. Spinach and green leafy vegetables;
  8. Kale;
  9. Berries nuts;
  10. Salmon;
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