How to recover quickly from a cold? This question is asked by almost everyone who begins to feel the first signs of illness. In order to start the necessary treatment and get back on your feet in one day, it is necessary to identify the symptoms that characterize the common cold. Signs of a cold […]
Brewer’s yeast – Features of supplement and rules of use
Brewer’s yeast is one of the main ingredients used in making bread or beer. They have a rather bitter taste and are made from a single-celled fungus called Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. In some cases, brewer’s yeast is used as a dietary supplement. They are considered one of best sources of chromium to normalize blood sugar levels. […]
Basic knowledge of microgreens
You’ve probably heard about a new trend in healthy eating and haute cuisine: Microgreens. Fancy restaurants are adding them to salads and serving them to the most exquisite dishes. Grocery stores aren’t far behind; you can see these little sprouts in the salad department for a pretty penny. But don’t let these tricks fool you: […]
8 best nutrients and vitamins for healthy and strong nails
Condition of our nails we can judge overall health of our body. Fact is that nail beds serve that constantly grow nail tissues, good condition of which should be maintained by getting a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. If this does not happen, nails become more brittle, brittle, and grow worse. It is […]
Shea butter – Effective way to take care of your skin
Shea butter, also known as Karite oil, is a product that is obtained by processing the nuts of the tree of the same name. This product has a thick consistency and at temperatures above 25 degrees it takes on a color resembling ivory. Shea trees themselves grow mainly in West Africa, so the majority of […]
How to get soft hands fast
The daily routine has a negative effect on the skin of our hands, making it rougher. Today there are many methods to return it to its former softness and smoothness. These include: Use of protective products; Applying sunscreen; Observing the rules of hand washing; Hydration of the body; Timely moisturizing of the skin. To understand […]
Vitamin E Oil – Effective remedy for facial skin care
Vitamin E is one of the most useful micronutrients for our body. It is necessary for the functioning of the immune system, as well as for the process of cell regeneration. In addition, this substance has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which make it simply indispensable for the human body. Because of these properties, vitamin E […]
How chondroitin protects and strengthens cartilage
Osteoarthritis is a common disease all over the world. Scientists and doctors are trying to defeat this disease! But until now, the data on the effectiveness of certain drugs remain controversial. In this article we will talk about chondroitin and its effect on the course of joint disease. When you start reading this article, you […]
Valerian root is an effective way to reduce stress and treat insomnia
For many years, valerian root has been used to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels. Because of this, this product is often referred to as “natural valium”. Over the years, this medication has received a huge amount of positive feedback. But despite this, in recent times, scientists decided to conduct a more detailed analysis […]
Burdock root – What you need to know about the properties of the healing plant
Burdock is a plant that grows mainly in Europe and North Asia. Recently, it has also been cultivated in the United States. For medicinal purposes, it is common to use the root of this plant, which has an oblong shape and a brown color (in some cases black). For several hundred years, burdock root has […]