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drink water before bed

Is it good to drink water before bed?

It is known that you need to eat at least three hours before going to bed. The same rule applies to water.

And there are several reasons for this:

After waking up, there is a risk of swelling, which is caused by a violation of water-salt metabolism. Thus, at the earliest opportunity, the body tends to build up fluid reserves that lead to bags under the eyes.

Is it good to drink water before bed

The second major cause is sleep disorder. You will often wake up at night to go to the bathroom. Lack of sleep can negatively affect memory, concentration and mood, trigger stress and sleep deprivation, and lead to weight gain. Scientists have found that people who sleep less than six hours of uninterrupted sleep per night are more likely to gain weight.

Lack of sleep increases the likelihood of developing many chronic diseases, aging, hormonal imbalances and even obesity. It is better to drink water two hours before bedtime. If dry mouth occurs at night, these are symptoms of dehydration. In this case, you can drink small sips of room temperature water if you are awake.

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