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Tretinoin all aboit tretinoin

Tretinoin: Benefits for the skin, how to use it, side effects

Tretinoin is a strongly active dermatological drug, used to treat a number of skin problems such as acne, wrinkled skin, sun damaged skin, … In order to achieve therapeutic effect and reduce the risk of side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of their doctor. 1. What is Tretinoin? Tretinoin is a cosmetic […]

Functional foods benefits

Functional foods: Definition, benefits and uses

Functional foods not only bring many positive health benefits and reduce the risk of disease. In particular, the use of functional foods helps prevent nutritional deficiencies, supports growth and development for children. 1. What is a functional foods? Functional foods were first introduced in Japan in 1980 when they were approved by the authorities and […]

Vitamin E for skincare

How to take vitamin e skincare and certain notes to know

Using vitamin E skincare, applying vitamin E moisturizing directly is a habit of many people. However, it is necessary to use it properly to beautify the skin. Ways of taking vitamin E skincare such as applying directly to the face or in combination with other ingredients, require women to persistently perform for a long time […]

Stomach disease food

Stomach disease-what should abstain from and what to eat

Daily diet is closely related to the occurrence of stomach pains. There are certain foods that can trigger a flare-up, but there are foods that help soothe pain and discomfort in the stomach. So what should people with stomach ache eat and what to abstain from? Here is some useful information for you. Principles of […]

most famous cosmetic brands in Vietnam

Top 4 most famous cosmetic brands in Vietnam

Referring to cosmetics, usually most of them are for foreign brands from Korea, Japan, Thailand,…  Because the current mentality seems to assume that expensive and foreign goods are good products, although it does not deny the quality of these products. However, in addition to those product lines in the domestic market, there are also many […]

Thorakao cosmetic brand in Vietnam

Thorakao -a prestigious and long-standing cosmetic brand in Vietnam

Thorakao is a Vietnamese cosmetic brand that was born with nearly 60 years of experience in the market, and is one of the most famous pure Vietnamese cosmetics brands today. Although it is impossible to compare the popularity with many foreign brands but Thorakao still retains the trust of Vietnamese consumers during the past 60 […]


Megaduo Gel – Product to treat acne and dark spots for sensitive skin

Hello everyone. In today’s sharing, we will introduce you to the super product to treat cases of acne on thin, weak skin, sensitive, irritating as well as suitable for women pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Let’s go. 1. What is Megaduo? Megaduo has the same and different ingredients as Dermaforte. So why are Demar […]

Derma Forte in acne treatment support

Why should you choose Derma Forte in acne treatment support

1. General description Derma Forte Derma Forte is a skin lightening and acne treatment gel with the main active ingredient of 20% Azelaic Acid. This acne cream comes from the Vietnamese cosmetics company Alcom. Azelaic Acid is considered to be a very effective part of treating under-heavy acne and brightening the skin. Moreover, Azelaic Acid […]

What you need to know about Tretinoin

What you need to know about Tretinoin

Tretinoin is one of the most effective anti-wrinkle treatments available. Several studies have shown that topically applied tretinoin is effective in treating fine wrinkles and skin pigmentation disorders caused by exposure to sunlight. Tretinoin increases the synthesis of collagen and fibers that carry the supporting function of the skin. Tretinoin stimulates the regeneration process in […]

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