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How to get soft hands fast

How to get soft hands fast

The daily routine has a negative effect on the skin of our hands, making it rougher.

Today there are many methods to return it to its former softness and smoothness.

These include:

  • Use of protective products;
  • Applying sunscreen;
  • Observing the rules of hand washing;
  • Hydration of the body;
  • Timely moisturizing of the skin.

To understand how the above methods can bring back soft and smooth skin, let’s look at them in more detail.

Use of protective equipment

The most effective and at the same time the easiest way to keep your hands soft is to use protective products such as gloves for everyday tasks. This accessory helps protect the dermis from drying out during the cold season, reducing moisture loss and preventing cracking of the skin.

When doing household chores, such as cleaning an apartment or washing dishes, you can use specialized rubber gloves. They allow you to increase the level of grip on the dishes, which will reduce the likelihood of injury, and they also help prevent hot water and harsh chemicals from getting on your skin, which lead to coarsening of the dermis.

Another option for smooth, soft skin is specialized grooming gloves. They are worn after the application of care products to increase their effectiveness. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to wear such gloves for several hours a day.

Use of sunscreens

Use of sunscreens on hand

The skin on your hands is often negatively affected by UV radiation. In this regard, experts strongly recommend the use of sunscreens with high SPF level for its protection. They will not only reduce the risk of various skin diseases, but also ensure the softness of the dermis.

Handwashing Compliance

Handwashing with warm water and soap

The main reason most people wash their hands is to prevent infection due to the spread of germs that are spread through the surfaces we touch.

For example, a doorknob in the office, a handrail on public transportation, or even another person’s hand can be a source of harmful bacteria.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommends washing your hands for at least 20 seconds after each visit to the street or public places to eliminate health hazards. This can be harmful to your skin. To prevent this, you should follow a few simple rules to minimize damage to your dermis:

  • Use of warm water (not hot water);
  • Using soap that contains glycerin or lanolin;
  • Performing smooth and gentle movements (cleaning the skin does not require coarse rubbing of the soap);
  • Blotting the skin (not wiping it);
  • Applying moisturizing cream after the procedure.

Hydration of the body

We need water not only to wash our hands. Its daily consumption in the right amount allows us to cleanse the body from various toxins and improve the condition of the skin, giving it a natural shine. For the appropriate effect, doctors recommend consuming up to 8 glasses a day.

However, hydration involves not only drinking enough water, but also moisturizing the skin with a variety of creams, lotions, gels and serums that are water-based, which, among other things, contain:

  • Moisturizing components such as urea, alpha hydroxy acids and glycerin;
  • Occlusive agents (retain moisture) Vaseline, allantoin and shea oil;
  • Emollients – lanolin, jojoba, sunflower oil.

For hand skin care, it is also recommended to use such available products as:

  • Natural oils (coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil);
  • Aloe vera;
  • Honey;
  • Eggs;

These products provide effects such as:

  • Reduction of skin dryness;
  • Accelerating the process of regeneration of damaged areas;
  • Protection of the dermis;
  • Improvement of texture.

To enhance the effect of their use, experts recommend applying grooming products to damp skin after washing your hands. This approach allows you to retain moisture in the dermis, which will increase its elasticity and softness.

Applying moisturizing creams

Applying moisturizing creams on hands

If the doctor prescribes a corticosteroid cream for the treatment of skin diseases, skin care with moisturizing creams is a must. The latter should be applied 30 minutes after the use of medicinal ointment. For maximum effect, you should use cosmetics and skin care products several times a day.

Diseases affecting the skin

To the coarsening of the dermis can lead to various skin diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes.

The most common is psoriasis. This disease leads to drying of the dermis, peeling and even cracking. Its treatment and subsequent recovery of the skin should always be discussed with a dermatologist.

An autoimmune disease like diabetes can also cause deterioration of skin quality. To maintain the softness of the dermis while treating it, you should consult your physician.


For many people, dry skin on the hands is a result of doing everyday work. However, this is not a verdict, as the softness of the dermis can be restored through a variety of methods, the easiest of which is the use of gloves.

If you are experiencing daily discomfort with dry skin on your hands, see a dermatologist. A dermatologist will be able to determine the cause of the problem and recommend the most effective way to resolve it.

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